ATI Aerospace

1000 Six PPG Place
Pittsburgh, PA 15222-5479

About ATI Aerospace

Allegheny Technologies Incorporated is one of the largest and most diversified specialty metals producers in the world with revenues of $5.3 billion during 2008. ATI has approximately 9,600 full-time employees world-wide who use innovative technologies to offer growing global markets a wide range of specialty metals solutions.

Our major markets are aerospace and defense, chemical process industry/oil and gas, electrical energy, medical, automotive, food equipment and appliance, machine and cutting tools, and construction and mining.

Our products include titanium and titanium alloys, nickel-based alloys and superalloys, stainless and specialty steels, zirconium, hafnium, and niobium, tungsten materials, grain-oriented electrical steel (GOES), and forgings and castings.

Competitors of ATI Aerospace

Quad Group Inc.

Quad Group Inc.

Quad Group, Inc. pioneered stud pull over 35 years ago and is a leading manufacturer of adhesion, adherence and material characterization testers. The Romulus Universal Tester performs a multitude of tests simply by changing platforms. Examples of testing capabilities include Stud Pull coating... Read More

Micron Inc.

Micron Inc.

Micron Inc. is an Independent Analytical Laboratory that provides material testing & micro-structure analysis, identifying the Physical, Chemical, and Mechanical Properties of a Material. Micron’s experienced staff is equipped with a top of the line facility and the knowledge to guide clients... Read More

Our independent materials analysis and testing laboratory provides materials characterization, failure analysis, quality assurance, expert witness, and consulting services. Every AME scientist holds a Ph.D. in materials science, chemistry, or physics. We offer XPS surface analysis (or ESCA),... Read More