Electron Probe Microanalyzers (EPMAs) Compare 6 Companies

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Ted Pella, Inc

Electron Microscopy, Light Microscopy, Instruments & Supplies


Ted Pella, Inc is an innovative manufacturer and distributor of quality consumables, supplies and specimen preparation tools for all disciplines of microscopy in science and industry. Also offered is a complete line of general lab supplies. Ted Pella, Inc specializes in SEM mounts and sample...

Micron Inc.

Analytical Service Laboratory - Solutions to Material Problems


Micron Inc. is an Independent Analytical Laboratory that provides material testing & micro-structure analysis, identifying the Physical, Chemical, and Mechanical Properties of a Material. Micron’s experienced staff is equipped with a top of the line facility and the knowledge to guide clients...

Geller MicroÅnalytical Laboratory, Inc. is certified to ANSI Z540A, ISO-9001 and 17025 providing analytical services and design and manufacturing of a limited number of unique products that are directly related to microanalysis. Some of these products, such as our magnification reference...

Rocky Mountain Labs provides surface chemistry and microanalysis services for material characterization, process troubleshooting, research and development and quality assurance. We employ techniques such as FTIR, SEM/EDS, Auger, XPS/ESCA, and AFM in our work and service a wide variety of...

Soquelec Telecommunications is the exclusive representative for internationally renowned RF, Microwave, Millimeter Wave and Fiber Optic components manufacturers. Since 1974 SOQUELEC TELECOMMUNICATIONS has been supplying the Wireless & Telecom Industries with leading edge technology products at...

JEOL is the world’s largest manufacturer of electron microscopes & optical products used in nanotechnology. Product portfolio includes: • SEM: Ultrahigh resolution, analytical FE SEMs, benchtop SEMs, and an award-winning correlative microscope. JEOL recently introduced a portable analytical...