Cleveland Electric Labs

1776 Enterprise Parkway
Twinsburg, OH 44087-2246

Competitors of Cleveland Electric Labs

Our independent materials analysis and testing laboratory provides materials characterization, failure analysis, quality assurance, expert witness, and consulting services. Every AME scientist holds a Ph.D. in materials science, chemistry, or physics. We offer XPS surface analysis (or ESCA),... Read More

Ajax TOCCO Magnethermic®, a subsidiary of Park-Ohio Holdings Corporation®, designs and manufactures world class induction heating and melting equipment for various industries and applications throughout the world. In addition we provide a range of services including laboratory process... Read More

IMR Test Labs

IMR Test Labs is a recognized leader in materials testing and analytical services, boasting over two decades of experience in delivering expert material identification and property evaluation for manufacturers across a multitude of industries. Our state-of-the-art laboratories are equipped to... Read More