Mi-Tech Tungsten Metals Inc

4701 Massachusetts Ave.
Indianapolis, IN 46218

About Mi-Tech Tungsten Metals Inc

At Mi-Tech Tungsten Metals, we only want one thing−to provide the best tungsten metal products on the market. We’ve been providing quality products and excellent customer service to our clients for more than 30 years, and we’re only getting better.

Competitors of Mi-Tech Tungsten Metals Inc

RJ Lee Group, Inc.

RJ Lee Group is an industrial forensics analytical laboratory and scientific consulting firm located in the Greater Pittsburgh area. We partner with our clients to deal with problems encountered during the manufacturing process, to ensure regulatory compliance, and to uncover and understand the... Read More

QuesTek Innovations

QuesTek is a global leader in the field of Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) and has proven that new, ultra high performance materials can be designed much faster and at lower cost than traditional trial-and-error development methods. Read More

Magnetic Analysis Corporation's (MAC) eddy current, ultrasonic, flux leakage and custom multi-test NDT instrumentation are used to test tube, bar, rod, wire, plate & parts, usually during production. Our experienced engineers advise on the most effective system to meet specifications. MAC... Read More