PO Box 460
Albany, OR 97321

About ATI

ATI's specialty metal products are the alloys, net-shaped products, and components that meet these needs. ATI produces these materials in a broad range of forms and chemistries, through a complete and secure supply chain that stands behind our commitment to deliver at every step of the way, from primary metal through application-ready components.

Our specialty metal products possess unique and valuable properties, such as corrosion and heat-resistance, lightweight, strength and hardness, and formability and malleability. They include titanium and titanium alloys, nickel- and cobalt-based superalloys, stainless and specialty steels, grain-oriented electrical steel, armor materials, and zirconium and related alloys.

Competitors of ATI

QuesTek Innovations

QuesTek is a global leader in the field of Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) and has proven that new, ultra high performance materials can be designed much faster and at lower cost than traditional trial-and-error development methods. Read More

Magnetic Analysis Corporation's (MAC) eddy current, ultrasonic, flux leakage and custom multi-test NDT instrumentation are used to test tube, bar, rod, wire, plate & parts, usually during production. Our experienced engineers advise on the most effective system to meet specifications. MAC... Read More