Eddy Current Technology Incorporated

201A Horace Ave, Suite A
Virginia Beach, VA 23462

About Eddy Current Technology Incorporated

Eddy Current Technology Incorporated was established 1979 in Canada. It was moved to its present location in Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA in 1985, but retains its 100 per cent Canadian ownership.

Eddy Current Technology designs, manufactures, and markets multi-frequency eddy current equipment for heat exchanger inspection applications. We produced the world's first portable, multi-frequency eddy current instrument that was complete with frequency channels, a mixer and a CRT, all in one portable unit. Today, we remain a world leader in the supply of multi-frequency eddy current equipment and accessories for both ferrous and non-ferrous heat exchanger tubing inspection.

Competitors of Eddy Current Technology Incorporated

ibg NDT Systems

Elcometer Inc

Elcometer is a global leader in coating & concrete inspection equipment, rebar & metal detection. Our products measure coating thickness, climate, porosity & adhesion as well as a wide range of physical test parameters required for the formulation of coatings. With state of the art production... Read More

Magnetic Analysis Corporation's (MAC) eddy current, ultrasonic, flux leakage and custom multi-test NDT instrumentation are used to test tube, bar, rod, wire, plate & parts, usually during production. Our experienced engineers advise on the most effective system to meet specifications. MAC... Read More