TecView™ 3D

Available from TecScan Systems Inc.
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TecView™ 3D is a NDT software featuring basic and advanced contour following capabilities. This software is designed to perform inspection of curved structure while keeping constant orientation and separation of the probe with regards to the structure. The basic contour following capabilities of TecView™ 3D is perfectly suited for extruded parts or similar structures, while the advanced 3D scanning is designed to permit automated inspection of more complex parts with a complete tridimensional surface following.

Contour following begins with the activity to interactively "teach" the geometry of the tested specimen to the software. The teaching method is quick and efficient, particularly for parts with smooth curvatures. A mesh of the part is then defined in order to ensure constant scanning resolution during the scan. The system therefore "learns" how to perform the inspection based on the taught geometry.

Part definitions obtained during the teaching process can be further recalled to inspect identical pieces, or refined for similar parts.

Contour Following
Basic contour following means that TecView™ can automatically scan extruded parts with simple curvature (bodies of symmetry), and then manipulate the scans using the full range of TecView analysis tools. Each scan pass is typically performed in a straight motion and along a single axis, while a multi-axis indexing is done at the end of each scan pass to follow the part curvature.

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