Hardness / Case Depth Compare 14 Companies

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Qualitest is a top-ranking suppliers of testing technologies worldwide. With our extensive portfolio of state-of-the-art and competitively priced testing machines, systems and software, we supply standard or customized solutions for many tests, measurement and quality control tasks required in...

RJ Lee Group is an industrial forensics analytical laboratory and scientific consulting firm located in the Greater Pittsburgh area. We partner with our clients to deal with problems encountered during the manufacturing process, to ensure regulatory compliance, and to uncover and understand the...

Equotip Live UCI: Equotip Live UCI creates new opportunities for collaboration in portable ultrasonic hardness testing. The Equotip iOS app allows you to conduct measurements at a remote location and provide instant access of your results to your team. There is no longer a need to physically transport USB sticks...
Learn more about Equotip Live UCI

Magnetic Analysis Corporation's (MAC) eddy current, ultrasonic, flux leakage and custom multi-test NDT instrumentation are used to test tube, bar, rod, wire, plate & parts, usually during production. Our experienced engineers advise on the most effective system to meet specifications. MAC...

MISTRAS Group, Inc. is a global provider of technology-enabled asset protection solutions used to evaluate the structural integrity and reliability of critical energy, industrial and public infrastructure.

Sonatest's comprehensive range of portable phased array and ultrasonic flaw detectors provide the end user with unrivalled flexibility and performance in the field of Non Destructive Flaw detection. All instruments are field upgradable, reducing your downtime and increasing your working...

Eddy Current and Ultrasonic Systems and Probes/Coils. Automated and manual systems.. Instrumentation. Consulting. Laser weld inspection. Hardness and Crack detection

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